Monday, March 31, 2008


This town wears me out.
One phone call, two hundred bucks.
Boston here I come!

hi it's caitlin

some advice hits walls
of stubborn ears and shut eyes
that like to be blind.

buying used.

quarter paperback
of camus. first ten pages
fall out once open.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

cat's away.

one day! one day! all
i asked was for one day off,
and you start a war?!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

They say green. It feels
more purple with a crest like a
man o' war - air filled.

for one of you (#4)

my stomach still turns,
but in a very good way,
when i think of you

there is so much love
that i'm not sure what to do-
cut my stomach out?

for one of you (#3)

there's something creepy
i can't put my finger on
you might need a friend

sometimes we don't see
the things that are going on
right inside of us

for one of you (#2)

whatever we had
is such a strange memory
i can't remember

and now i don't know
where we could possibly stand-
maybe on a crack

we hope there is not
another earthquake to shake
our foundation

for one of you (#1)

i am over here
thinking of you and hoping
that you are okay

and missing your hugs-
thinking about the niceness
of being with you

remembering times
we made people sick because
we love each other
Fat people should stop
losing weight. I can't find things
that fit at thrift stores.

Friday, March 28, 2008

I purposely stepped
in watermelon gum to
counter the dog shit.

Planning Day

The polka dots of
my bikini top show through
my white collared shirt.

Heart in head remix

it shouldn't surprise
me that after these three days
it's my head that hurts.


whenever i say
"oh, for pete's sake," i mean sir
peter john gardner.
Six a.m. - smiling
Eight p.m. - beaming, blushing
One a.m. - happy

false starts.

got all the answers
that i already knew but
didn't want to hear.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


huge wads of cash spent!
it's consumer orgasmic!
what a load off, huh?

hey, at least the voices stopped

I went to the hill
today to martyr myself
but the damn rope broke


We can now say that
we've been reflections on
a thousand eyeballs.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Maybe I'm Afraid

maybe i'm a man,
maybe i'm a lonely man;
help me understand.
No more cameras.
The best memories are the
ones I can't play back.
she smiles with the light
of a child...must be swimming
with clouds in her dreams

Age: Wisdom ratio

Brains are like engines;
With time they run slower and
Need more maintenance.
a subversive smile
always coming around to
catch me by surprise.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

and i miss you like
the fields miss the sheep and like
the sheep miss the wolves.

"Just wrap your legs round these velvet rims, and strap your hands across my engines"

You make me want to
quote The Boss cause I want to
know if love is real.

Girl Watcher, Intl.

asian nail painting
cuties, hispanic nurses.
panoptic strip mall.
I can fall to sleep
on fragments, turning twinkles
to universes.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Tired of staring
at the back of heads. I have
funny stories, too.

Daydreams of Nightmares.

beLIEve me when i
say that everything is fine
and that life is good.

He doesn't like hospitals

Your excuse, "I see
me". See him to see that you
aren't abandoned.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saki, So Much

"Wipe my arm across
surfaces. Use my skin for
a cleaning agent."

~ The Glorious Johna
Open because they do not
care about your god.

on my walk, i encounter a girl with a white stuffed rabbit and a blue dress waving good-bye to water flowing down a storm drain and i name her alice.

she is too young to
care that I have named her or
to care that i know:

everything moves from
one place to another like
water down the drain.

I am walking a
circle and passing again,
she waves to me, too.
I watch the nurse change
his filled bag and think: This is
not at all like Scrubs!

Workforce Trauma 5: The Holidays

zombie jesus day.
raining. blind faith in something
opened the Shack's doors.
If Christians feel that
Easter is fact, then let me
believe in zombies.

To the Invisible Boy

Not noticed? Well, "You've
got to be good looking cause
you're so hard to see"
Polaroids are like
the poetry of photos.
Blurry, beautiful.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

In the war between
you and the mosquito in
your shower, you'll lose.
when there is no right
action, doing nothing is
the easiest wrong.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Workforce trauma 4: "Down Economy!" OR "Nobody loves a kidder."

dm thinks we watch
movies and smoke. "we had a
dance party last week."

Workforce Trauma 3: The French Connection

crazy frenchman with
vanilla ice hair asks, can
i "see" his accent.

Workforce trauma 2: "We're Green!"

all those trees wasted
for manuals no one reads
cause we have answers.

Workforce trauma.

does it count if i'm
the one knocking my own head
against the stone wall?

Singing loudly into the wind...

to make it in life:
be honest, love, and never
believe your own press.

Weekend Getaway

Miami, here we
come...Get your Mojitos and
Disco lights ready!

"... or I'll stab you with a Q-tip" ~ Homer Simpson

I wish my brain would
tell me these things instead of
plotting my demise!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

For All That Apply

You appreciate
Jimmy Gnecco. For that, I
appreciate you.
filling in the flap
of shirt that used to be used-
to-be-me, i walk.

SongWriter's Block

Why can't my Martin
translate my thoughts and help me
Finish my soundtrack?
Lego castles have
one weakness: the tempest of
neglected egos.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


a very religious holiday

Jenny said, "easter
would not be easter without
a chocolate bunny."

"yeah, she's right," said I,
"I hear that's what Jesus said
as he 'rose again'."

how to beat the terr'ists

maybe, if we give
away all our freedom, they
won't hate us for it.

Sixth Truth

Scoffs Liberty, as she swims
out of the harbor
we take ourselves too
seriously. will all this
matter in ten years?
I choke around the
steam shoveled lake golf course. Wealth
smells like decayed ducks.


i'm a silly fuck
listening to your myspace
playlist, and thinking.

dreaming about you
while you are dreaming of her
i'm a silly fuck.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's rude.

clear day, much cleavage
want to slap the wrinkly boobs
staring right at me

The Fastest Hands in SoFlo

backs turned bored at bar,
unwittingly missed genius
and something sublime.

For Aaron.

the girl next door

tranquil as the moon
and daft as any shoreline
she snores when she sleeps

To sleep, to dream...

Linoleum, soft
with gray clouds of hair and dust
you'd make perfect sleep.

Florescent light bulbs,
your flicker epileptic
you'd make perfect stars.

Class eyes, slippery
accusing me of murder
you'd make perfect wake.

conversations at work

"Did you SEE that girl!?"
"She's a FILTHY whore." "That's just
the way i like them."

Monday, March 17, 2008

When all is said and
done, I want my legacy
to be brevity.


I love that you call
yourself disabled when you're,
clearly, half a man.

Dancing for the Death of an Imaginery Enemy

his voice soared, "Murder,
Give in to things you part with."
And I lost my mind.

one nation under god

when you believe that
dead soldiers go to heaven
any war is just.

i'm such a silly fucking asshole. really. this melodramatic puppy dog romantic side of me makes me want to vomit.

im left here, thinking.
of your hair. that smile that
kills me a little.
video camera
purchase wasted. for want of
something worth saving.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dearest Peter John,
We have taken over you.
Love, Insomnia

the Sandlot

Pickle with the Beast?
I got my PF Fliers
Legends never die

Playing Dead

Our swiping will
lead to licked wounds. Anything
to know your mouth, Love.

quit your bitching.

our generation's
romance: a longer list of
problems; suicide.


you're here and I am
here. sitting in a sunken chair
jealous of your sleep.

"I swear guys! I read Beowulf in high school!"

"Beowulf was stung
by the bees that did not care.
They killed the dragon."

~ Little Chris

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Another dead bird.
He thinks I'm proud, I know how
Bundy's parents felt.

snarled the junkyard dog,

hey motherfucker!
you better have a good plan...
I'll go for your throat
"You're too shy. Play the
game. You're not even in the
character select."

~Scotty (Bandit) Gaudet

the perils of self-inflicted inebriation

i don't criticize
your therapy so why do
you criticize mine?
jealous of sleep; green
with responsibility
and my wakefulness.
angry hospital
people may be dying here
but you can still smile

'just trying to make you feel better, man.'

that shit you said? well,
you sound like a book i'd throw
away. so: just. stop.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Sleeping's the only
way I can experience
life's gifts like flying.
Tension can be a
great thing for guitar strings and
innocent gazes

...but not as much as the muppet movie, which is mine.

the muppet movie
is under your gift that i'm
sure you will enjoy

Fifth Truth

rapture is found in
the minds of the ambitious
who take the first step

bliss is simply the
revelation of something
greater than yourself

satisfaction comes
from each lesson applied to
the roadblocks of life
i'm not insincere!
i just want her to love me,
proof that i'm real.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fourth Truth–Reflection

Disregard your past
As all but memory. That
makes room for your dreams.
Arrange letters all
you like.We are more naked
in our pseudonyms.


You're like my bare feet.
Pull out a cheap Polaroid
because I'm smiling.

"I told you, I'm Vietnamese!"

hung calls me cracka'.
it's fine, but early morning,
"not now, chinaman."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My guitar does not
weep gently. It pisses out
fresh, tear stained urine.
Writing's the only
instance I know where vomit
is reconstructed.
the rambunctious beasts
my girlfriend calls her nephews?
birth control method

some things stay the same

Turtle dodges cars,
risks life, to cross to new land.
His shell came with him.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

shitty, shitty morning.

drug addicts: research
opportunity, or do
i really fit in?
I wish that at
a million parts per trillion
the drugged water worked.


Adding "y" to your
name is cute. Sweetie and hun
were names of exes.


She wants to snuggle
but I can smell his mark on
How come I don't come
equipped with a cat-tongue comb
to smooth snarls and knots?
Good: Getting jerked off.
Bad: Heart getting jerked around
Worst: Getting turned down.

And one of them's yours, Kermit.

i haven't heard more
than two songs about rainbows
or what lies beyond.

Monday, March 10, 2008

I return like the
living dead, to write horror
themed haikus, enjoy.
All children of the
80s know the colors that
line the HBO
Daycare for Psychos
"..........Dogs had fleas, Men had troubles."
Die. Every day.

zen and the art of landscape maintenance

the anemoi laugh
at your attempts to blow leaves
from here to elsewhere.

Welcome to the Real World

Had an interview
today and actually
saw my ego shrink
Most spend hours to
get the "just-woken-up" look.
I simply wake up.

two brothers-big tattoo red

the red wine i drink
just changed to a screw off cap-
i am so angry!

but i have to keep
drinking it for breast cancer
50 cents each drunk

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Your half is missing,
won't go back to the orange
grove. Sleep, rest in peace.

~~for A.B.M.
jealous of kevin
smith, for no other reason
than his awesome beard.

For Hadder

You held me in ways
that only fallen soldiers
and lost children know.


My Buddah pizazz
Will see your seven karma
and raise you thirteen
i don't know if i
can pull off green eyeshadow
oh, like it matters

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Fill up on the brand
experiences to numb
the sting of new debt.
"You're great, the best, we
love you. What's your name again?"
I want to go home.

Man v. World: A Tale of an English Major

I have a college
degree. I haven't worked in
six months. Debt don't care.
finally got weed
it's time to get things done, but
justin's 4 years old
The escort's number
is local. I call and try
to explain Jesus.

Friday, March 7, 2008

From Ms. Masson and Ann :D

The core of evil
where we leave an imprint on
sample macs for sale

"Point to the haircut
you'd like," she said. I look, point.
"The dead celebrity?"
"Be safe", I tell them
as if their harm would warrant
a stern "told you so"

First Impression

when I try to paint
with Bob Ross, how come I feel
like I'm retarded?

"I have this technique-
letting the canvas pull off
whatever it wants."

whatever. I'll be
known as the Helen Keller
of acrylic paint
i want to write in
my notebook, but fear pretense.
she'll be up too soon.

last nights dream

deepak chopra, i
did the namaste with you...
double entendre
a dating website:
surrounded by silly cunts,
trying to fit in

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Mariana's Trench
Connects to a wormhole at
Puerto Rico's Trench
Spandex hot pants boy
and indifferent girl make
the merch booth their womb.


it's a fine balance;
friends, romance, maybe something
more. tightrope, no net.
You don't have to speak
or smile. Your gaze gives all
away, so you've said.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Just because I'm not
smiling doesn't mean I'm not
amused by it all.
reconcile checkbook
talk to the doctor again
back to the ER?

nice save, douche

'that's gay.' i stated,
then realized who was near.
'gay in the BAD way.'
There's no air in here
to stimulate meaningful
lines, just mouth breathing.
Sometimes I wonder
what you said to convince her
that it was my fault.
wall of speakers, check.
andy gibb, check. dancing shoes,
check.'s showtime!

Daily Fodder

Roadside bomb kills eight–
I get lotto numbers from

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Work Thoughts

Would you like to make
a donation to the Whole
Planet Foundation?
Normally, someone
who feels this sick and dead is
creating lifeforms.

Blast Femur

the church is dead wrong
there's no saints in Orlando
just the devil's cross
I’ve too many thoughts
Without enough focus and
I can’t write that fast.


everything i do,
comes from boredom and wonder
in equal measure.


Dust philosophies,
the rants of a Nihilist.
Hoarding hypocrite.

Monday, March 3, 2008

I've had it with hope!
Give me my scars and I'll just
push this car uphill.

you'll believe a man can fly...

in instances of an
extreme peril, most men would
simply run away.
out with the old shit
in with garage sale money
to pay for x-rays

The Second Truth

I'd rather go broke
Then have a hungry stomach
With my hungry mind.

Metaphor Coffee

I'll commit to a
whole morning (after), as long
as it's not instant.
With each two hours
of misery, I'm two steps
closer to wisdom.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

wake up, masturbate,
coffee, work, hello, sorry,
food, news, haiku, sleep
this one isn't sad.
it's not about death, or me.
you guys are awesome.

me time

enough is enough-
if I want to masturbate
help me or shut up
A few ideas and
words on falling too quickly:
break neck tourniquet
tiny lizards run
in my wake; in my backyard,
i am godzilla.
i was born dead.
soul flew out, devil flew in.
it explains a lot.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A haiku is too
lengthy to express the L
word that I avoid.


i don't want to get
used to this weekly fast, dear.
but i fear i could.
The problem with queen-
sized sheets and a king-sized head:
covering my horns