Sunday, March 30, 2008

cat's away.

one day! one day! all
i asked was for one day off,
and you start a war?!


Educator said...

Bye, Mike.

Michael J. Gatton said...

you leaving?

celticdruid said...

hi, mike. peter just called to let me know what was happening on here. i have been sick since sat. night so unfortunately i hadn't checked the blog. i was told what was said about me and i want to say to anyone on here that wrote it that it makes me sad for you that you have to attack someone you don't know for absolutely no reason. the only bad sounding haiku was written about myself (since i am one of 4 people i know on here). i don't talk shit about people i don't know. it just doesn't make any sense. i think you have very effectively ruined a wonderful thing by attacking me for a haiku that could have been about nobody or anybody in the world for all you knew. i didn't know that we had limitations on here- and i also didn't know that there were people on here with such low self-esteem that they can't read a haiku by someone they don't know without thinking it's about them. perhaps this comment will just get deleted, too. i'm sure i'll be amused by this when i'm not sick, but i'm sort of just angry right now. and i'm sorry, peter and mike, that i made your endeavor less fun by adding to it.

celticdruid said...

oh jesus, that part that says "i think you have very effectively ruined a wonderful thing by attacking me" was not directed at you mike, but at the girls who wrote one about me. in my sick brain i messed up that paragraph flow.

Michael J. Gatton said...

i understood what you meant. you're fine, hun. you and peter might be the only blameless ones in the whole bunch here.

Educator said...

Kim - u were the only one that needed to be involved in what went down. I am sure that a confrontation and a clearing up of the misunderstandings would have settled this entire storm. The only thing that really ruined everything was the involvement and retaliation efforts of someone who wasn't even involved in the perceived attacks. The only defense I have is that your set up was an implied insult - whether it be about yourself or someone else. I am sure this could and would have been settled once you came back on and saw what was going down.

Unfortunately the move that the moderator made by insulting everyone on the site was a bad one. Have u read what he wrote?

Either way, this is like the third tangle of drama that has been born from this site and worsened by its moderator.

I apologize for misconstruing your work, but in all fairness it was obvious who the good ones were for and the last, insulting one, left no one else but the three people who don't now you.

As I said before, had we been able to talk to you, etc. this wouldn't even have been an issue. The real disintegration of my participation was born from a misunderstanding, but it blossomed under Mike's insults and insistence of being involved.

In the end, Jen took the blame.

Once again, we apologize. I do hope you can see how we would have thought you were attacking. You can't write one for everyone that's positive and one that's negative and not think someone would be hurt.

I hope you continue to use the site and the project continues to grow.

If there is anything you want to say or whatever - u can message me on Myspace. I am only choosing the make this public so that Mike and the others can read it - not to call u out or to be a bitch. In the future, I'll email you.

Ms. Masson said...

Amendment to response by Ida- I'll take the whole blame and leave nothing of me behind - hopefully you can all have a cleaner slate now

thanks for my time here

celticdruid said...

"ann nonymous"- i have no idea who you are on myspace or how i would e-mail you. or for that matter, how you would e-mail me. i'm not very computer savvy and i'm sort of spending more important time doing other things. i hate that i'm even responding to this at all. it bothers me that you feel the need to say anything about my post. if t.s. eliot came on here and wrote a negative haiku about someone would anyone assume it was about them? hell no.. and why? because we don't know him (well, and because he's dead) just like i don't know you or the other girl that was supposedly involved- but again, i was sick and i didn't actually see anything that was written. i certaintly didn't see the "moderator" do anything wrong, but i'd love to know what you thought was done wrong there, besides removing a horrible intentionally offensive post that was attacking someone who did nothing to provoke it.
- and if i was the only one who needed to be involved in what went down, why was an immediate public attack launched against me instead of the question posed to me about who i had written that about? wouldn't that have been the best first step? i don't want to discuss this further, as i have done absolutely nothing wrong here. i enjoy this blog and intend to continue to do so, and without writing about people i don't know or becoming paranoid that others are hatching evil haikus against me.