Wednesday, April 30, 2008

i have seen a lot.
mostly good reasons to light
myself on fire.
the early naptime
is just a bad tv time
housework will get done
albert hofmann died.
consider the question begged;
is heaven a trip?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The road to nowhere
needs a detour away from
me. Oh, and Tom Cruise.
this life starts in tears.
everything after should help
so it ends elseways.
tom cruise's penis.
go ahead. think about it.
it's a paradox.


my little sister
in the backyard fighting them
off with a big stick.

they were spirit things
and green aliens were there;
she fought them herself.

i fear it's a curse;
she's not even from our blood
but still is so sick.

Monday, April 28, 2008


she's a feisty one.
drunken babylonian
whore! take that paint off.
The quiet one's not
always angry or sad. He's
just there. Ignore him.
do you wonder if
tom cruise wished to be tom cruise
when he was younger?


when i was a kid,
i wanted to haunt bookstores
after death. not NOW

Sunday, April 27, 2008

staying the same is
easy when you realize
everything changes.

Uninspired? Call Abel.

Locked eyes, young lust, a
kiss goodbye to the pig mask
she wore during sex.

tossing, turning

how can you love that?
dreams of tying knots. dreams of
climbing trees. falling.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

history lessons

i'll write my story.
it's only fair. and it keeps
me busy, alone.
learning the hard way
about seafood in all-night
diners once again.


subjective phases
rhetorically graceless
the ground beneath shifts

Friday, April 25, 2008

This guy is worthless. Really.

what communists don't
realize, is some people
don't deserve a thing.
Of course you can take
advantage of the fact that
I cannot say no.
real men pore cleanse in
the dark. it's just like crying.
biore strips blues.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

If she's not into
Star Wars or The Who, then she
is not worth dating.
time travellin' dumb
hookers. catch up with me some
other time. pot slut.
smoke cylinders wrap
snakes around your hair and nails.
bullshit breathes and smiles.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Concrete killed orange
groves where I saw stars, blocking
empty memories.

beach view

a place where i go
a warm way to be alone
with sands vast like snow
I CAN be me, and
not feel bad about it. Well....
Some days. On others.....
Sex for sale. Rarely
used; needs body work, runs good.
Cost: smile, wink, or nod.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

falling (failing) redux

let me love again.
win/lose, i'll still have something
new to say. le sigh.


a branch on this tree
is now slowly blossoming
what fruit will it be

apple can still suck my dick, though

i love my ipod.
a new way to shut out the
outside world. Deafen.

Monday, April 21, 2008

My tail is wagging
instead of tucked between my
legs. My eyes say fear.


need a catalyst.
make it beautiful again.
one truth: art is hard.
everything has been
so deep i'm afaid to post
anything right now


My Haiku is weak
in fear of revealing those
things that I can't see.

Bouncing off the walls.
Thrown there; The will of a bored
child. Circular.

Slicked back bonfire.
Feeding myself from my self.
'Don't get excited.'

This flesh, the canvas
of an amateur, torn up
in blind frustration.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Written by Peter
John Gardner. Ok, the hard
part's out of the way.
the sunday shoutout,
to let you know i care and
i think about you.
guard yourself against
evil temptations. you're not
too handsome to die.

underground holocaust

the animals' cries
resonate off of man's lies
and my tearful eyes

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Men and their Sabers...
The vaginal metaphor,
Sarlacc, kills no one.

Workforce Trauma Sidenote: At Least I Don't Work in a Clock Shop

the clock ticks seconds
but everything's relative
and minutes take hours.

the sound of animals fighting

flesh is heratic
and my body is a witch
so i'm burning it

a voice unheard

call her Mother Earth
for whatever your life's worth
yet it's she you hurt

Friday, April 18, 2008

not no more

Aw, look at YOU! All
deep and stuff. SOMEONE'S gotta
be like that. Ain't me.

who doesn't love rush?

it's modesty that
keeps me from saying that I'm
today's tom sawyer.

praise the mothers

"gi-gew" means thank you
"puh" means dog and "yow" means cat
thank god i'm around


some nights seem so long
and with each breath I hold on
to my yearning song

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Priceless Advice/Sales Pitch

"No such thing as too
many flowers," says dear friend
who is a florist.


between each sweet note
it's the silence that I quote
which gives me new hope
internet argue.
i should keep my damned mouth shut.
never is enough.

is this all i ever think about?

i just enjoyed a
satisfying bowl movement.
just thought you should know.


going crazy cra
zy crazy crazy crazy
crazy crazy cra

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Face to face with Mouth...
he's sniffing profusely as
my childhood sighs, dies.
origami throat cut-
death's fabled resolution.
uh oh. just kidding!
perfect silence yields
perfect understanding, if
only for silence.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


eat, swine! lick the mayonaise!
.....a metaphor? nope.
How long does silence
really last? Is there too much?
alone when you're here.
a mirror's perfect symmetry.
alone when you've gone.
you grew out your hair
in matted entanglements
old fear trap'd in it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

people ashamed of
their single mug, oughta be
ashamed of themselves
Perfect night for hot
tea, tea for two, so tonight
will be half perfect.

my dream last night

whoa, a christmas tree.
holy shit! TWO christmas trees!
and now they're rotting.

Let them win.

Soft foot in lead boots,
blood splat on the window, scared
boy dystopia.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

about gravity,
neither radiohead nor
i can reassure.

oh boy

i'm the fool again
lying naked in your bed
wrapped in sheets of shame.
People staking their
claims makes me bump more shoulders
than Richard Ashcroft.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

taking it far so
isn't considered.
it's not a question
of 'if', only 'when' you will
pay for that last lie

Friday, April 11, 2008

Workforce Trauma 6: "Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!"

my boss looks like the
star wars emperor. it's hard
to keep a straight face.
Elephants can paint.
Put seven syllables here.
Bitches can't ollie.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hand drawn butterflies,
paper kaleidoscopes. She's
not just anyone.
i beg to differ.
please please please let me differ.
ain't too proud to beg.
can staring blankly
at my bright white monitor
produce what i want?

something important:

i am quite gassy.
and the smell is like the smell
of rotting corndogs.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Working with rednecks
means no drinks, no fries, just a
sack of cheeseburgers.

To every break-up I've ever had; you'd've loved me if you met me.

the mistake you made
was mine. i can only be
me when i'm alone.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


you're so vain, I bet you think this haiku is about you

haiku drama? Oy.
can we really be so bored?
i thought we were friends.

and i guess we were,
till someone's paranoia
pooped on our parade.

it's hypocrisy!
when i call out some nice folks
for being nut jobs.

and i'll admit it:
hearing about it was a
vicarious thrill.

the dust has settled.
was there a victor? uh, no.
i think we all lost.

but do not fear, kids!
the time to smile is now.
'cause JD's back. w00t.
nothing is never
happening. everything is
always going on.
Be here now because
I need you to hold me and
tell me I'm a fool.
wow. the anger is
overwhelming me right now.
eh, it goes away.

Monday, April 7, 2008

dear peter, you can
have some of my sleep. i have
too much. love, michael.

to heinlein and ellis

stranger than fiction
these oracles of diction
blow me worlds away.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Shouldn't think about
things. Stay awake anyway. Sleep's

celebrity haiku OR my generation's excalibur

my only question:
who gets to pry that rifle
from his cold, dead hands?

mr. heston, i
hope we remember more than
just the nra.

RIP, sir.
watching lizards dance
and fight. wondering if it's
over a woman.
nothing like seeing
a good "old" friend and talking
until 8 am

Saturday, April 5, 2008


You're not going to
take me alive, I'd rather
die than stay with you.

The toilet leaks.

i find a peace in
mopping that makes me wary
to call the plumber.
sometimes i feel like
i'm hypnotized by the yarn
it's so beautiful

Friday, April 4, 2008

Three grown men playing
Spice Girls and JT covers.
I swear we're not gay.

Zen and the art of career planning.

75 bucks.
pay money to get a job,
to get paid money.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

worse than the nightmare
is the reality that
old friends can hurt, too.
Sometimes it's worth not
sleeping just to watch someone
else sleep peacefully.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

No elegant way
to describe a kid gnawing
on my dirty shoe.
dear illness: you have
received notice to vacate.
please comply. -landlord.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

After three beers, a
pot brownie, and Roulette Dares,
silence is blissful.

not about anyone

if you like yourself
you seem like a pompous ass,
no one will like you

if you hate yourself
you seem like an "emo" freak
no one will like you
rough start, ego clash,
something about a phoenix.
bridge, troubled waters.